Originally Posted by JulianEdgar
As Vman455 suggested, for a road car, taking lessons straight from motorsport is fraught with danger. Looking at those pics, I'd suggest they expect lots of yaw (ie airflow not coming directly from the front) - which may well be the case in rallying!
With this sideways airflow, the little deflectors would decrease the pressure downstream, so aiding flow out of the holes. I can't see you driving much like that on the road...
I'd probably go with this if you like the idea of the side vents:

I was kinda leaning toward that vent personally, being that it halfway mimics what others have done with success. The PCM is under the vent behind the drivers side headlight, but I figure I can make a rain deflector out of some flashing or coroplast or something to keep rain from going directly into the PCM wiring, the rest of the area under the vent is fairly safe