I filled up here in Russellville, KY yesterday. 87 octane E/10 is running $1.359 and is where the price has been for the last few weeks. One station in town is selling diesel at $1.899 while everyone else in the area is $2.199+. Last time I filled up my Versa was $1.359 per gallon on 4/19/2020, 495.8 miles, 9.791 gallons for 50.628MPG. Total cost for the fill up was $13.70. Gas in the Versa is costing me less per mile that I was paying per mile when I bought my first car a Buick Regal in 1977. I'm also benefiting from lower diesel prices. I have a Monitor kerosene heater that we use to heat our house. A few years ago I decided to try diesel fuel in it and started using diesel in it instead of kerosene with no ill effects The price is usually $ .50-$1.00 lower per gallon and there are more BTU's in diesel than in kerosene so it's a win, win.