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Old 05-10-2020, 08:22 PM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by iveco View Post
Finally i have purchased my first "car" a Long wheel base, high top, Iveco Daily mk3 (35s13v) 2.8TD van from 2000! If you were to design the worst aerodynamic frontal area possible, you would design this van!
An interesting choice for a first "car" to say the least. On a sidenote I also tend to prefer vans.

My plans might be a little bit different from other builds as I am trying to improve the efficiency both as a vehicle and a home. for example using coolant to heat hot water when engine temperature is high.
What about using recovering exhaust heat for hot water?

Running on vegetable oil - i will be running on used vegetable oil using a two tank system.
That sounds nice. I am favorable to vegetable oil usage as a motor fuel too. BTW would you eventually also consider trying water injection? Assuming you might be able to use the residual water released by an air conditioner, seems like a good option to improve fuel savings while it also decreases the NOx emissions, at a relatively low overall cost.

alternator delete - power from 48v house battery with DC-DC step down
I usually take a full alternator delete with a grain of salt. Have you never considered fitting your van with a starter-generator? It may provide auxiliary power under certain conditions, while under others it may also improve the engine-braking which is quite critical on Diesels.

air conditioning delete - possibly install 48v electric motor on compressor to use as AC for the home
It's not so hard to find commercially-available electric rooftop air conditioners usually meant for trucks, either 12-volt or 24-volt. Not sure how easy it might be for you to find a 48-volt compressor there though, but since it would require a lower amp than either 12-volt or 24-volt it may be a good idea. And now with so many cars resorting to the 48-volt mild-hybrid setup, in a few years it might increase the availability in junkyards

Total belly pan - maybe it will also help protect against corrosion?
Not sure if a belly pan would really have any benefit regarding corrosion protection. Probably if it doesn't get any drain plug, if moisture accumulates between it and the stock floorpan it may become a matter of concern. Maybe coating the underbody for some added rustproofing before you fit the belly pan might also be worth.

Electric radiator fan
An electric radiator fan is usually great on a Diesel, and since you plan to use vegetable oil as a fuel this may allow you to switch from regular Diesel to the vegetable oil quicker.
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