Start by getting your free annual credit report from all 3 credit bureaus and raise a complaint about anything that is inaccurate, or is a top contributor to a lower credit score. Often the things you bring up will just be removed from your credit history. I had missed mortgage payments (that were the bank's fault) removed from my credit history. They didn't corroborate my story though, they simply removed it.
Next step is to online shop rates. I'd assume some of the military credit unions to have among the best rates, such as USAA or PenFed. Still, don't shop just the places you've heard of, that's what Google is for.
Don't fail to secure a mortgage for a particular property before you actually fail. In other words, let the lender say they won't loan for the property rather than assuming they won't. Their motivation is to make money originating and possibly servicing your loan, so those things sometimes don't matter so much.