Originally Posted by j-c-c
... and a turning vane in many cases I believe does not have an inherent need for a typical airfoil wing crossection, as it by design has to add drag for little gain, when used symmetrically opposed vertically on the front of a vehicle.
I think you are underestimating the low drag of an aerofoil. A good example of equivalent drag of a circular rod and streamlined shape:
Even when producing lots of lift, the GOE222 aerofoil has drag that is tiny (around 1/70th of the lift force).
I haven't done comparative testing of the aerofoil Edgarwits against curved flat plates but I'd be surprised if drag was high.
(I did do comparative testing of an aerofoil section against a curved flat plate for A-pillar guide vanes, and the curved flat plates didn't work. The aerofoils did.)
But as I always say - I don't have a monopoly on testing. I'd love to see others try some external guide vanes (of whatever design) and report on their drag results.