Originally Posted by JulianEdgar
It's an odd world you live in when tufts showing attached flow aren't really showing attached flow, and where measured on-road aero pressures can't really be measured pressures! Much better to sit at a keyboard and make stuff up about what, according to you, should be happening.
I think I'll go on what I can measure, and on what some of the top aerodynamacists in the world tell me. Both have vastly more credibility than 'Aerohead' on a discussion forum.
1) Tufts demonstrate phenomena limited to the boundary region, whereas only smoke flow visualization can accurately represent attached/ separated flow.
2) No one will dispute your Magnehelic readings. If you want to come over to the 'States' and measure Spirit, come on. You will basically find positive pressure acting fore and aft, and 'neutral',or zero lift. That's all I'm claiming for the 'template.'
3) The deeper you dive into road vehicle aerodynamics, you'll eventually come to the same conclusion as I have about vehicle architecture. And you'll realize that if you have enough money, you can already buy a vehicle with the 'template' contour from Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Bugatti, Chevrolet, Ford, Genesis, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, Polestar, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, and Volkswagen. You can't buy 'ALL' of it, but you can buy 'some' of it.