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Old 06-07-2020, 06:10 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by j-c-c View Post
Guess I'm breaking new ground, again. I covered all the pertinent personal parameters in my opening comment. I did not however mention, I am not willing to ride a bike that is likely somewhat inadequate on trails and miles long rides, and likely less stable, to solve this issue, and I am not willing to travel with a high dollar bike that is effectively "break in bait" when I'm finished riding and I store it, and decide to take an out of view long hike.

No a folder wouldn't be good on really rough trails (ie trails requiring a mountain bike) but it would certainly be fine for normal trails and long rides. And I don't quite see how it is 'break-in bait' - inside a car it wouldn't be visible.

As for stability / practicality / etc, I am a fan of small wheel bikes and other pedal machines. In fact I wrote a whole book on their advantages (a book that few people are buying!).

Certainly in your position I'd take a good quality folding bike. In fact, the last long driving holiday I went on, I took my Brompton.
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