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Old 06-08-2020, 08:10 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
I've owned several folding bikes. I would not own one again.
Off topic, I know.

But don't get me started on small wheeled bikes. So many cheap ones are crap, and so people assume that they're all crap. In fact small wheeled bikes have major advantages over traditional bikes. (But, if only because of scale economies, price isn't one.)

In terms of folders, Bromptons are a class act. Apart from the fact it's much more nimble than a large wheel bike, a blindfolded rider would be hard put to tell the difference between a Brompton and a traditional bike. And yet it fits in a normal suitcase, with nothing removed from the bike. (I bought mine in London and it flew home to Australia in my luggage at no extra charge.)

But then, if you want me to really get excited, start to talk about recumbent trikes...
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