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Old 06-12-2020, 01:59 PM   #17 (permalink)
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tuft behavior

Originally Posted by JulianEdgar View Post
I am sorry, but that's just absurd.

Tuft behaviour doesn't match with what you describe (unless one subscribes to your logical contortions - eg attached flow shown by tufts isn't really attached flow if it's caused by a downwash) and measured pressures don't match at all with what you claim occurs.

That's the issue - in the real world, your theories about what is happening simply don't stack up.
* ' [P]seudo-Jaray shapes, called fastbacks... with steep-sloping rear end, produces two distinct longitudinal vortices. Due to the downwash induced by these trailing vortices, the flow along the longitudinal mid-section of the car remains attached over a long path; however ,a high vortex - induced drag is produced so that the total drag is higher than for the true Jaray shapes.'
( Page-18, Hucho )
* the behavior of the tufts is an artifact of downwash.
* the downwash is a symptom of separation-induced attached, counter-rotating, longitudinal vortices.
* the air does not 'wrap' over the camber of the 911 roofline.
This is where your logic goes off the rails!
* In 1965, the 911's Cd 0.40 'represented an improvement' over the box-shaped bodies with drag coefficients between 0.6 and 0.8' ( Hucho,page-18)
* If the air did 'wrap' over the 911 contour, the highest pressure would exist there, not the lowest. ( Hucho page-2)
* We know this from the photograph you use of the VW XL1.
* Hucho introduces Bernoulli on page 50 and 51.
* Bernoulli's concept of 'isoenergetic' streamlines is absolutely critical to your mastery of automotive aerodynamics.
* The Bernoulli Equation is on page-51.
* Your theory of 'air wrapping' completely falls apart, upon the evidence of the Bernoulli Equation.
* Your theory is a scientific impossibility.
* I didn't create the science, I'm just a messenger. Who you'd like to kill, on account of the message.
*Every time Hucho drops a name, the automotive aerodynamicist is tasked with learning everything they can about that person's aero contribution ( Hucho, page-1, Preface )
You appear to have utter disdain for any research done before 20-30 years ago, while Hucho admonishes you to know virtually everything you can possibly get your hands on,regardless of chronology.
You've done so well with so many aspects of your recent book. If you can only master the fluid mechanics a bit better, there's no telling, the even greater contribution you can make.
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