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Old 06-15-2020, 07:40 PM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Not too familiar with Florida traffic, but I get better MPGs in stop and go than highway in the PDX area by driving the average speed of traffic (let gaps form when it's faster and close the gaps when it slows down). The whole point is to minimize brake use. It adds about 30 seconds to a 1hr commute driving that way.

You might replace the spare tire with a plug kit/inflator. It won't help you if a wheel gets damaged or something punctures the sidewall, but it should cover 90% of leaks.
So far I’ve removed the spare tire/tools (insurance has free tows), any unneeded metal heat shielding from under the car, any unused brackets in the engine bay.
As well as replacing the exhaust system with a titanium one.
Lightweight battery, lightweight flywheel as well.

I’ve still got a long list of things to purchase but they’re all big ticket items.
(Carbon hood, 2 piece lightweight brake discs, lighter driveshaft CF/Aluminum)
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