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My friend just e-mailed this article to me :
Killacycle Green Motorbike Unveiled At Driving Sustainability 2008 Car Show In Reykjavik, Iceland
Catherine Jacob - Monday September 22, 2008
In the past, their relatively low speeds and lack of range mean electric vehicles have suffered from some less than glowing press.
But now, Iceland is trying to convince the rest of the world that the future of driving is electric, after all.
With 99% of its electricity provided by renewable energy, Reykjavik is the ideal setting for the Driving Sustainability 2008 car show.
Among the mean, green machines on display, is the fastest electric motorbike in the world.
The Killacycle has a top speed of 168mph and goes from 0-100 in a second.
For a typical run, it needs only as much energy as a hair dryer would use over 15 minutes, while its batteries recharge in just four minutes.
It is the brain child of Bill Dube, who invented the Killacycle in his garage in Colorado.
He told Sky News: "It's just a giant cordless drill with wheels, a 500 horse power cordless drill with wheels. It has a battery, motors and a throttle, just like you'd have a trigger on your drill. And there are no carbon emissions. ...