I live in a slave state. Those monuments mean exactly what the rioters are saying they mean. The monuments are the last dying breath of the confederacy. "Remember us! We weren't so bad!" They submit their appeal to history. Well history remembers what they ****ing did. They bought and sold people. Generations of lives subjected to absolute terror. Whippings, beatings, brandings with hot iron. Runaways hunted down like dogs. So that the few rich men in whatever county they were in could profit without doing any work themselves. They were traitors to America and to humanity. The rebel flag only deserves to be shown if it's being burned.
There was no southen valor, the great "lost cause" was slavery. Get over it.
The confederacy was evil and they do not need to be deified. The monuments need to be destroyed. Maybe a handful can stay in museums as a reminder of the white-washing PR campaign conducted around the turn of the century, but they do not need to be displayed in public. All of y'all who don't live in the USA and who haven't lived in a slave state don't get to decide right from wrong on this matter. The black people where I live are tired of revisionist history painting their oppressors as valiant heroes who ought to be mourned. **** that. They confederacy stood for evil.
And stop complaining about the unrest. People have a right to be upset. Y'all weren't listening or taking notice until they started burning down police stations and fast food joints. Now you're being forced to listen. Quit being babies and open your ears to the pleas from the people who have been trodden upon for far too long.