Learn to do your own work. Its easy.
yes, Definitely do this.
I am 5 days from being
17, and I do
All of the work myself.
Why? because it saves you thousands of dollars in the long run, and... you never run into this problem of paying $350 bucks for something you didn't want in the first place.
That job probably cost like, 100 bucks to do yourself, probably not even that now that I think of it. I don't know what they replaced, but most things don't cost over 100 bucks if you do it yourself (unless its like, transmission or something major).
I replaced all 4 shocks and greased all my grease fittings on my Jeep for like, 68 bucks. I don't even know how much it is to get shocks all a round and your fittings greased, cause I do it all myself.
Oh, and first time I got my Jeep, I took it in for a lube job... the description clearly says 5 quarts of oil (6 in my Jeep) and
Grease All Grease fittings.
Guess what? I got the Jeep back, and the oil was changed... but there was still an inch of dirt and mud crud on the grease fittings. Uh... yea... Never took my Jeep to anyone other than myself or other Mechanic friends of mine that I personally know from that moment on. and guess what? I know I've already saved a couple hundred dollars right then and there.
Oh, here is something. One quick story.
The I6 in my Jeep has a 90 degree elbow for the oil filter to screw onto. Well after a while, the o-rings get dry rotted and start to leak, so I went to the local dealership and bought the o rings.
$3.34 with tax
Then I went home and tried to take the elbow off, but not enough clearance with my tools, a/c compressor got in the way, as well as some piping and the axle if you went from underneath, and I broke my T60 bit because it was so tight on there. So Next day I went to the dealership and asked how much it would cost for them to do it..
Their reply-
"well, it'd be at least $60 and depending on how many parts we'd have to take off, like if we had to take the a/c compressor or the front axle off, itd cost anywhere from $100-300+ to do it."
I said to myself... F*** it, I'll call my friends up, and we'll get it done for $3.34.
Well guess what, from that one job, I saved up to 300+$$$,
Basically... they charge too much for labor. $300 job just to put in $3 o-rings? you kidding me?
Go out and buy a Hanes manual, and then find an experienced mechanic friend to show you the ropes. you'll be saving cash and stress (I use stress lightly

) in no time!