My cousin died at 46 years of age because he was a dope with health problems (diabetes). He'd probably have lived happier and healthier had he been an indentured servant (type of slave). He was always welcome to stay for free with us so long as he was drug free, and he thrived the 2 years he took us up on the offer when he held down a 40hr job. Any time more than a couple hundred bucks came his way, he'd destroy himself.
Being a slave owner isn't desirable, not because it can't be highly beneficial to someone else (my child is a slave), but because it's an enormous responsibility. To see that not only your best interests are served, but those in your care are served is insanely difficult.
We're all slaves to something. For some reason some folks think being a slave to the state is a pretty good deal. It probably is if you're a dope like my cousin was. I miss the good times we shared when he was living his best life.