Vortex generators trials and choice (post 4 of 5)
4th Position, 2nd geometry, 2nd VG type
Since previous trials demonstrated some improvement, shark type VGs which will be the definitive ones installed are trialed along the roof edge. The number of available shark VGs is only 8 and 12 are required for a complete row from the car left to right.
The window center tufts stabilize. The bottom ones still move. The side edges ones move pretty much.
See many mods in detail with results on my modification thread for my 1999 Acura EL, similar to US Civic EX
Facts, please, give me the facts! Theoretical knowledge is verified by empirical knowledge! Check Einstein's General Relativity Theory E=MC^2! Every few years some new astrophysics observation and data prove some of Einstein's theory predictions more than a century old.
Last edited by ACEL; 07-10-2020 at 09:04 PM..
Reason: mistake