How do you handle EXTREME tailgaters?
Seems to happen more often these days. I feel that when I am maintaining 55 mph, hugging the right fog line, and the guy behind me is 3 to 5 feet on my rear - THAT is too close.
How do I handle it? I just do an extended "glide" part of pulse and glide! Clutch in and coast. I do "the closer you get, the slower I go" theory. This morning while coasting down, I also put on my hazards. Not really sure how to get the message across to these people besides a "Benny Hill" to the back of the head!
Wasn't long ago I did a brake check, dropping a quick 5mph. Afterthought made me realize this was too dangerous - an 18xx lb Metro is no match for a 250,000 lb (exaggerated) semi - or ANY other vehicle for that matter.
I'm adjusting [the nut] still and not allowing them to make my blood boil. I'd rather just sip coffee, "play my piano and sing my little songs" (Ray Stevens).
Any thoughts or suggestions?