Originally Posted by TomO
I'm really digging the KG!
Phill has been at this for quite some time eh? Kudos!
She was a great way into amateur aero. I did all the body, paint, and upholstery, and had built a modified, balanced and aircraft-spec engine for her, but it was stolen from the Lancaster Junior College where I'd constructed it, just before the tin went back on, so I never got to see what that might have done.
There was a whale-tail, 911 Carrera-esgue spoiler which was never photographed. With the 5-speed and taller gearing she might have shown higher mpg. Sold it to an Air Force Captain at Reese AFB, and graduated to a '70 model with 12-volt electrical. Nice to have windshield wipers AND headlights at the same time.