Originally Posted by funkhoss
This car had DFCO programmed into the ECU from the factory...
DFCO is a form of braking, plain and simple. It is NOT comparable to engine-off coasting.
I've thought about doing some sort of "lean cruise" button/setting with this car. It probably wouldn't be too difficult if I got a second wideband controller for the other half of the engine (in addition to the one I already have).
Air dam: Conveyor belt, bolts/nuts/washers, compression springs, an additional bumper support
Rear wing: Coroplast, aluminum strips/brackets, screws/nuts/washers, magnets, EternaBond tape
Side skirts: Plastic gutters, lawn edging, pieces of conveyor belt, aluminum strips, screws/nuts/washers, EternaBond tape
There are more details in previous posts...
it does not engine brake on my automatic...
as the engine speed is not married to the transmission/driveshaft speed
Unless i shift it into M4 then the engine is married to the transmission/driveshaft
so i can divorce/marry them at will! in Drive it has a SUPER-OVERDRIVE. 0.62 ratio like 6th gear.. so at 45mph it's barely at 1050rpm you can enter the SuperOD at 35mph or so 1000 rpm
35-45 =1000-1050rpm this range is good for
59-85mph =1350-1850rpm in Super OD i can get about 26-27mpg in that speed range
it's only in this SUPER OD under light load so i gotta reduce the load (i.e aero load)
so i can get 40-45MPG easily...
like 99% of my driving is at 40mph so that would be pretty nice to get 40mpg out of this v8
my Best Ever was 31.2MPG on the hwy(using the enhanced v4 DFCO /lean burn) i was carefully watching the regen to keep it in DFCO as much as possible...
having a large SUV is a must other wise if you get a small car you might as well buy a casket to go along with it(my city has higher speeds 45mph is common 60mph on a main street I see a lot of cars get sandwiched because they do stupid stuff )..