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Old 07-28-2020, 09:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Nowadays with Toyota's HSD effectively getting rid of a transmission to rely on the electric motors in order to emulate a CVT, and European regulations now favoring hybrids, it won't surprise me if in the next 10 years most of the new cars sold in Europe get rid of the manuals.

Originally Posted by jcp123 View Post
Americans are lazy about driving. Lack of blinkers during lane changes, high beams at night, crappy lane discipline - for a car culture, we actually care almost zero about driving. So of course automatics, which take another driving burden off, are popular as hell here.
It's not only a matter of lazyness. Driving a manual during rush hour can be quite painful. I have runner knees, and my father tended to complain that I didn't want to drive his car which has a manual transmission. I haven't driven for a while, and even considered some hand controls adaptation.

Manuals are dying off in big trucks too. The automated manuals are taking a big portion of the market. My company has a large national fleet and has only bought automated manuals for a few years now - I’d be surprised if there’s more than a few dozen actual manual trucks left in our fleet - but trucks get some advantages from an auto which cars really don’t, so it’s a bit of a different situation.
Even though an AMT is not exactly the same as a proper automatic, at least for road usage it's more beneficial, while city traffic and even some off-road conditions would be more suitable for an automatic. On a sidenote, when the need to replace some American fire engines imported in the '90s arose in São Paulo, Volkswagen fitted conventional automatic transmissions to some trucks.

I am almost sure that at 35, I am the youngest person to know how to drive a manual trans in my family - including in-laws, which is a really huge family, lol. I laughed my ass off when my nieces, the oldest of which was maybe 10 or 12, was awed by window cranks in our Kia.
I'm 30 and have actually been favorable to automatics for a while. My first contact with someone who drove automatics on a regular basis happened when I was 12 and moved to a condominium after my father got discharged from Brazilian Air Force, and the neighbor next door had an automatic Volkswagen Quantum.
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