Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Most likely an overwhelming majority of AT could actually learn how to drive MT if they wanted to, or if they have been born in a country where only disabled drivers are entitled to take a driving test with AT.
Modern MTs are brain dead simple my Cobalt you push the clutch shift and release, don’t even need to push the gas pedal or regulate The clutch
just slop it around can’t stall or buck.
My belief has always been instead of taxing the $hit out of hybrids
Tax 4wd and auto transmissions and overly gigantic bromobiles with a luxury tax
Since politicians seem to be worried about ma roads fund them off gross offenders and leave folks an out by not adding additional taxes to small simple Or manual 2wd vehicles .
Could use it as a small motivation to both consumers, business to do things beneficial to traffic congestion as opposed to doing exactly the opposite.
Considering infrastructure funding would require about $10,000 a vehicle to fund anyway the current system of registration isn’t going to be effective at addressing the problem.