Pix or it didn't happen.
Originally Posted by DDG
delta-Cd/ delta MPG rules of thumb - Fuel Economy ...
That said,at the time of publication, R.G.S. White had already delivered a Cd 0.245 'recipe' car in 1969. Dr. Alberto Morelli and Pininfarina had given us a 'production-ready' Cd 0.204 production car by 1978. The same year, Mercedes-Benz demonstrated the C-111 III, with a Cd ranging from 0.237,to Cd 0.178, depending upon the degree of boat-tailing.
Aerodynamic improvements to the body and cooling system of ...
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 9 (1981) 63--75 63 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands AERODYNAMIC IMPROVEMENTS TO THE BODY AND COOLING SYSTEM OF A TYPICAL SMALL SALOON CAR* W.R. STAPLEFORD Motor Industry Research Association, Nuneaton CVIO OTU (Gt. Britain) Summary As part of a broader project to reduce the fuel consumption ...
I found a unicorn! A thread where aerohead and Julian Edgar were getting along. Or at least trying to. It didn't go anywhere.
The paper sounds interesting, but I can't say if it's related, it's being paywalled.