Portawalls. Consider Portawalls.
They are trapped between the tire and rim, instead of being bolted to the face of the rim. One could fasten them directly to M
oon disks.
They travel in 'close accordance' with the wheel and tire.
Duallys on pickup truck or big truck usually have a gap between the Dual Tires to keep sidewalks from rubbing and or getting something lodged between them easily and wearing out the sidewall...
Tell me about it, in the 1980s I was driving my 1957 Beetle through the Thurston Hills (where BLM roams now that they've been kicked out of Portland) following a dump truck. It threw a rock the size of my fist right at the hood, in front of the steering wheel. But because the Beetle's hood is rounded it bounced sideways and tore the rear view mirror
right off the car!