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Old 08-15-2020, 08:57 PM   #6 (permalink)
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It was more about 'do you have a moment to talk about...', as I hear a cult frame of mind.

Via Suspicious 0bservers:

Global Warming, Climate Change, Green New Deal.... It's all gradualism. Catastophism will eat their lunch.

If the weather warfare floods and locusts don't get us first.

I'd missed yesterday's S0, there's this: Warming Greenland ice sheet passes point of no return
The glaciers have shrunk back enough that many of them are sitting in deeper water, meaning more ice is in contact with water. Warm ocean water melts glacier ice, and also makes it difficult for the glaciers to grow back to their previous positions.

That means that even if humans were somehow miraculously able to stop climate change in its tracks, ice lost from glaciers draining ice to the ocean would likely still exceed ice gained from snow accumulation, and the ice sheet would continue to shrink for some time.

“Glacier retreat has knocked the dynamics of the whole ice sheet into a constant state of loss,” said Ian Howat, a co-author on the paper, professor of earth sciences and distinguished university scholar at Ohio State. “Even if the climate were to stay the same or even get a little colder, the ice sheet would still be losing mass.”
They go on to talk about rising sea levels. But if it shuts down the Gulf Stream, then ==>Snowball!
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Last edited by freebeard; 08-15-2020 at 09:14 PM..
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