Originally Posted by RH77
But the "fell asleep because it was too slow" argument doesn't sit right. Driving at 80 mph sleepy, seems to be the same as 55 to me.
I don't want to start an argument here, just a discussion. It's all about numbers, people. Look at it this way: Hi, my name is Bob and I'm a truck driver. I have 500 miles to go until I reach my destination and sack out, because I'm tired. I can drive 55 MPH and get there in 9 hours and 6 minutes, OR I can drive 75 MPH and make it to my destination in 6 hours and 24 minutes. which do you think is going to be safer for the other drivers?
Now I love to save gas and money, but have you ever calculated how much time is worth? Nine hours is a long drive, man. Six and a half is much more manageable. Nuff said.