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Old 08-27-2020, 02:21 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
I'm forever the student, and I value actionable information, and correction, if handled factually, tactfully and diplomatically.
Having read your book, I take technical issue with specific aspects of your handling of lift.
After providing, literally, chapter and verse counterfactual evidence to your view, from Hucho, you continue to cling to 'folk knowledge' for why, I do not know.
And since you obviously do not have a complete command of the topic, I can only laugh at at your reactive behavior when dosed with reality.
Operating within an information void, I can see why the real world would seem foreign to you. What's most troubling, is that you're obviously not interested in the complete narrative on lift, attacking anything outside your myopic understanding as heresy. Your aerodynamicist friends didn't do you any favors when they signed off on your book.
So your post summarised: no new evidence, no new data, no new measurements... no new insight.

After providing, literally, chapter and verse counterfactual evidence to your view
Er no. I do know a thing about writing expert-reviewed chapters, and I can say with some certainty you've not written any chapters, let alone had them reviewed by experts before and after publication.

But I don't really care that your beliefs about car aero are, to say the least, rather stange. I care that you mislead others about the topic.
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