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Old 09-02-2020, 05:37 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
Contrary? Or misinterpreted? Your home-brewed tests fail the scientific rigor required of any SAE peer-review and publication.
I've given you my sources. Chapter and verse. Derived in REAL laboratory settings, by career investigators, corroborated by third parties, globally.
Your BA in writing is equivalent to a PhD in mechanical engineering?
You can't tell us anything about Bernoulli, but you'll correct the PhD's who use it to design the aircraft you fly on? Hypocritical? Rude? Disrespectful?
Yogi Berra has said, 'You can see a lot by looking.'
Why don't you crack Hucho's book back open and see if you haven't gone off the rails some where as far as logic and deductive reasoning goes.
When you open your mouth, you stand naked to the world, revealing the impoverishment of your mind.
More personal disparagement.

I guess it must be hard when your pet theories, apparently endorsed and accepted for so long, can be so easily shown to be utterly wrong.

I was particularly fascinated by Aerohead quoting the Hucho diagram on Page 51, with no apparent realisation by Aerohead that the depicted pressures applies only with an imaginary, ideal, viscosity-free fluid...
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