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Old 09-02-2020, 05:40 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JulianEdgar View Post
Who said that it did?

What tuft testing shows very clearly is whether the flow is separated or attached.

So arguing that cars that have sharper downwards curves than the The Template will have separated flow (as Aerohead constantly states) is demonstrably wrong.

And, as a result of that, most of Aerohead's theories (eg lift, required height of rear spoilers) are also wrong.
Between Hucho, Mair, and Buchheim, you should know that, at no time, and under no circumstance, can a turbulent boundary survive a contour which slopes any steeper than 22-23-degrees.
You're continually deceived by tufts, for scientific reasons spelled out to you nearly a year ago. Maybe you could put on the big-boy pants and get yourself into a laboratory where they have the proper tools to conduct flow visualization and measurement. Your yarn isn't going to cut it.
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