Originally Posted by kach22i
I agree, but have yet to see vortex formation in any of the wind tunnel and smoke images posted.
Is the smoke just too weak and dispersed by the time it gets to the end?
Outside of large trucks on dirt roads or aircraft landing photos, I do not recall seeing vortex formation on automobiles.
Have seen a few tufts flicking about in videos.
I believe that some of the YouTube videos shot at A2 allow for vortex visualization.
Driving down leaf-strewn roads in the Fall are a great opportunity to observe vorticity.
Air Tab inventor Wheeler photographed long, vortical yarn streamers coming off the sides of the roof of his Honda Accord if I remember correctly, in a Popular Science article in my photo albums somewhere.
Modern curved-roof designs have really mitigated this phenomena.We've come a long way since the mid-70s. And then there's the Porsche Cayman.