Something I shared at Fred's TDI:
Just sharing some data points:
$37,990 - current price for Standard Range Plus Model 3 which includes basic AutoPilot
March 26, 2019 bought mine $41,000 with Autopilot and Blue paint
Got $18,300 trade-in on Prius Prime, net $22,700
Odometer 28,154 miles running version: 2020.36 updated two days ago
Local electricity $0.11/kWh
$2.70/100 miles ($0.027/mile) from house power
1/3 local electricity from free chargers while shopping
SuperChargers ~120-180 miles apart along Interstates
$3.50/100 miles using SuperCharger point-to-point
$3.00/100 miles staying overnight at a motel with free breakfast and charging
Other electricity
Can use RV and recreational area, NEMA 14-30 and 14-50 charging
Can use ordinary 110-120 VAC outlets (best to ask)
Typical cross country trips:
714 miles straight through to Detroit, ~14 hours, $25 charging
750 miles to Dallas, Coffeyville, and home
~90-95% of driving is using AutoPilot anywhere
Handles lane changes with 360 degree cameras
Unexpected medical issue handled by keeping car out of ditch and at speed
Full Self Driving (FSD), $6,000 last October
Stop sign, stop light, yield sign logic works with "green light" PING
Summon with dogs in car is amusing ... it looks like they are driving
Banged into curb on passenger side, stripped part of rims yet tires held air
Replaced passenger side bearings using jack, jack stand, and ordinary hand tools
Battery degradation
Measured 3-4% in first year, miles: (240 - 234) / 240 and (240 -232) / 240
Subsequent years expecting 1% per year
Replaced OEM rims and tires compensates for initial degradation
Up to 45 mph, new rims and tires, 5 lbs lighter each, are better than OEM
Above 45 mph, I am working on aerodynamic hubcaps
Window washing fluid
Add air in Fall, monitor otherwise
One machine screw fixed by 'sticky string' plug
One sidewall puncture from road junk, road hazard warranty replaced
"Chill" mode so it won't 'speed frantic' in traffic
First across intersections at stop lights
Reach speed limit 200 yards ahead of everyone else
Cross country
1st leg with 100%, overnight charge to go as far as practical, ~210 mi, ~3 hours
next legs
Fast food for biology break, snacks and beverages
Drive to SuperCharger for 15-20 minutes to eat snacks and stretch
Half the cost per mile of our former Prius Prime and fun to drive. The driver assistance of AutoPilot and FSD, makes long distance and even city driving safer, easier and relaxing.
Bob Wilson