My wife complains that despite our extravagantly large home, our dining area is too small. In all this space, we don't have a dedicated dining room. There's more utility in having 2 living rooms instead (which is how the house came).
This got me to thinking about constructing a floating bench seat anchored to the far wall studs, perhaps in an L shape, perhaps with a flip up backrest to keep people from leaning onto the window.
I'd then get a long narrow table. I figure I could easily seat 6 people on the long wall, and 2 on the end. Chairs could be brought in for the rare occasion we needed more seating.
Is this a dumb idea, or what would you propose? I like the floating seat idea since it leave the outlets accessible and makes sweeping easier.
The window wall is 11'3" and the wall on the right is 4'3".