Originally Posted by saunders1313
I've read the posts on here about adding acetone...
I’m just looking for a reason to either start adding acetone to try it... or to forget about it all together.
I'll let you know how it works out in a couple of weeks!
I'm doing a 'short-fill top-off' experiment right now - topping off my tank every 2 days of driving, blah, blah, blah - then, I'll start the acetone/xylene experiment. I've already got my measuring cups lined up - 33cc & 25 cc, e.g. 1-ounce more or less, respectively.
I'm going to try a mixture of acetone (3 oz.) and xylene (3 oz.) per 10 gallons of gasoline for 1000 miles and see if I can break out of the 41-42 MPG range.
My ride's MPG is V consistent, so the result[s] should be obvious - or not!