Originally Posted by JulianEdgar
I can measure changes in drag and panel pressures too, and I often write about those as well.
Unless you never exceed 80 km/h, not true.
Well, any coast down testing that you can perform on a normal road is quite invalid - it's one of the things that Aerohead states here that is right. I am not sure what your point is with your other tests - they're great!
Neither do I - I am not sure of your point.
That does not appear to be the case. An example is the Porsche Taycan that has lower drag at higher lift (ie spoiler down).
I've never suggested that is the case
Well, the 'civil manner' of the group has allowed complete misconceptions and erroneous advice about car aerodynamics to flourish for a long time. Might be a bit better if BS is called out and not brushed under the carpet.
I contest only misconceptions, errors and misleading advice. Unfortunately, there is a lot of it.
Julian, do you know if the only difference between the Taycan Turbo, and Turbo S is the flip-up spoiler? Is there any other feature, like narrower tires in the equation? Thanks in advance!