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Old 09-24-2008, 02:37 PM   #86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by modmonster View Post
you will also vapourize your battery! unless it is the size of an EV pack.
Use a high current battery pack like the kind they use for power tools. There are some NiCds about D-size or so that are rated to a good 200A! You'll need 10 in series for a 12v pack since a single NiCd cell is 1.2v.

140A is a lot to switch, though. Commonly available contactors top out at 60A and that's for AC. You'll have to use an industrial-grade contactor before the rectifiers as they're only rated for AC. Have you thought about using a 120/240v alternator (like the kind used for backup generators) along with a high voltage battery pack and a switching power supply? Or just feed the 120v into some modified microwave oven transformers and rectify it, with the contactor on the 120v side.
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