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Old 09-24-2008, 03:57 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
I voted Yes. I do not see that lowering the speed limit is increasing government control. They have the same control over how you drive if the limit is 75, 55, or 25, just by virtue of having a speed limit. If they have a speed limit they have, good or bad, the same level of control.

I agree that the real problem is bad FE vehicles, but people have a right to buy what they want. The only way to increase FE is to convince people that they are the right thing to buy. I am sorry to say that it is rare now days to find people willing to put the earth, or anything else ahead of themselves. The biggest concern of most "Americans" these days is their own pocketbooks and bank accounts.

This trend must be stopped. I think it will be a combo of public awareness and rising oil prices.
Will,I wanted to respectfully ask whether you would still choose the word "right" as related to consumer behavior.There may be lurkers too timid to participate in discussions,and its important that the words we choose,best represent our thoughts.I've already jumped on Hasbro.My perusal of the Constitution demonstrated no mention of a consumers "right" to purchase anything.They may have a privilege,and so far,it seems many laws seem to be addressing the "symptoms" of free choice in the market,and behavior with those products.
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