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Old 09-24-2008, 04:01 PM   #16 (permalink)
That VX guy!
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The VX - '92 Honda Civic VX
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Originally Posted by cmittle View Post
Not to be picky but for clarity what material are you using? You mention plexiglass and polycarbonate which are 2 different things. <snip> If you try to drill holes in plexiglass without being extremely careful it will crack and that crack spreads very easily/quickly where I see Lexan (polycarbonate) being the better choice for this application.
Thanks for clarifying this for me, I always thought that polycarbonate, Lexan, and Plexiglass were the same thing and there were just varying degrees of it. From what you've said, I have plexiglass. I was using self-drilling screws along the top, allowing the rotation of the screw to melt the plexi and then go through it and secure it to the OEM spoiler. I cracked it in one small spot, but the crack didn't spread after I secured it.

Originally Posted by cmittle View Post
I do like what you made and I'm glad you posted so much information and pictures showing us how to mimic it. I'm just trying to help anyone who may be following your instructions so they know what material would work best.
Thanks for the help, always good to have people that know what they're talking about.

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