This is for those who disparage the 'Paris dressmaker' aspect of producing a marketable vehicle.
TLDR; they throw things at the wall to see what sticks. Totally comprehendible at 1.75x and the music
is may be less obnoxious at a higher pitch.
Here's a review from Film Friday: 'Styling and the Experimental Car' takes us from Da Vinci to the Ford Mustang
This reel's objective, then, is to connect Ford's wildest flights of fancy to the very real car. It does so by walking us through a series of concepts. There's gorgeous little Allegro, the Cougar II, the Aurora (a concept wagon that boasted a primitive GPS system and cruise control).
My fav is the
Aurora. Subby SVX-style A-pillars, L-shaped back seat w/ AV center, and that trick loading ramp/sliding 4-bar tailgate. The mockup of an autonomous driving setup is prescient.
The pony-car shaped Allegro has a cantilevered steering wheel. That could be adapted for autonomous vehicles and adapted to left or right-side driving jurisdictions.