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Old 09-23-2020, 05:58 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
I've shot video of tuft tests on numerous cars by mounting a small camera on a boom that's attached aft of the area being filmed (obviously to minimize aero interference from the camera rig).

3 examples:

1) 2000 Honda Insight

From thread: MetroMPG's Honda Insight boat tail extension (cardboard) tuft video; ABA test +9.7%

The cord tied between the two booms adds tension to prevent the camera from bouncing.

2) Similar set-up on my 2nd gen 2004 Toyota Prius:

From thread (starting around post #100): The Premier's Limo: 2004 Toyota Prius "winter beater" ecomodding thread

3) And the current car (1990 Miata MX5) - I didn't get a shot of the camera boom itself, but in this case it was a rigid DIY tripod of aluminum tubing, liberally duct taped to the rear & side of the car:

From thread: "MPGiata" modding thread: aiming for 50 MPG with a 1990 Miata. Update: success, 55 MPG

The other two tripod legs are out of the frame.


Cameras with wider angle lenses are better because you can use a shorter boom (Prius boom is probably 1/2 the length of the Insight's).

Obviously this approach is only practical/safe if the road you test on is free of obstructions/pedestrians/cyclists!
Yes they look good! I've always been worried by the camera supports influencing flow (even upstream) but it doesn't look like that is happening, does it? Unfortunately I'd be reluctant to run that set-up on public roads (even one glance from a policeman and I'd be in trouble).
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