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Old 09-25-2020, 11:37 AM   #40 (permalink)
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a source for Aerohead's confusion

* September, 2020, Julian Edgar makes the comment that no ( not one! ) notchback produced since 1990 suffers separation at the end of the roof.
* In 2006, 16-years after 1990, Julian Edgar publishes, in autospeed, ' As with [many] booted sedans,... the airflow tends to separate form (sic) the body at the trailing end of the roof..... the streamline doesn't stick to the body of the roof in the roof/rear window transition but instead tends to leave at this point.'
* The statistical mean average lifespan for an automobile is 13-years.
* Statistically, 'ALL' of the 'many' notchbacks inferred by Mr. Edgar's statement would have been manufactured well beyond the 1990 cut-off date.
* Would Mr. Edgar like to address this discrepancy?
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Last edited by aerohead; 09-25-2020 at 12:14 PM.. Reason: typo
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