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Old 09-28-2020, 09:30 PM   #26 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Have you driven a modern RWD car with dialed-in traction/stability control in the snow to the limit?

The main factors for snow performance in order are tires, AWD, and clearance. A neutrally balanced car will perform well as RWD.
The BMW 430i Convertible I had on a recent-ish business trip did great in a freak snowstorm that dropped 6 inches of snow the Charlotte area of NC.

If anything the stability control is too good. I tried to relieve my young in an empty snow covered parking lot but I couldn't figure out how to turn off the stability control. The car would spin the wheels just fine but once the back end came out about 45 degrees the stability control say NO MORE and killed the fun. No snowy donuts or drifting for me.

Snowy parking lots were part of my driver education. My father would take me out in the morning after a snow storm and make me practice controlling skids and slides until it was second nature.
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