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Old 09-24-2008, 10:12 PM   #16 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Southen West Virginia
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Metro XFi - '93 Geo Metro XFi Convertible
90 day: 62.17 mpg (US)

DR650SE - '07 Suzuki DR650SE
90 day: 55.26 mpg (US)
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I have the wiring diagrams for the cars floating around here I will post them when I find them.

But aside from that you are doing good so far with the car. Main thing should be to get all the mechanical problems fixed and get it driving and getting the standard ~50mpg for an xfi model.

When you have it up on the lift changing the oil look at the front control arm mounting area really good and make sure there is no rust there. The rusted fenders and doors are minor since they are easy to swap out with non rusted ones. But the front control arms are something you will have to have a welder fix for you. The rear control arm mounts can also rust out but they are not quite as common a problem as the front. Check them out anyway while it is on the lift just to make sure though.

If you have a rust issue that should be your next thing to do once the mechanical problems are taken care of. If they are ok then oil/grease them up really good and start driving and get a good baseline mileage before doing mods. Once you get started messing with these cars you will be addicted and won't be able to keep your hands off it

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