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Old 10-01-2020, 02:36 PM   #437 (permalink)
Human Environmentalist
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
George [2 first names] Floyd, Breona Taylor and others were casualties of the War on Drugs. Pantifa calling themselves anti-fash is the brilliant move, at least according to S. Adams.

Not White. Not Superemist:

Their use of the word Chauvinism enables confusion to be sown. If [those other guys] called themselves female chauvinists it would be more clear.

Their original motto: 'F*** around and find out'. Their new motto 'Stand back. Stand by'. 'Stand down' didn't make the cut, it was a[n intentionally high-pitched] dog-whistle to the Left.
I'm in strong agreement with most of those points, perhaps less so about glorifying the entrepreneur. Why do I need to glorify Zuckerberg? Besides, not everyone can be (or desires to be) an entrepreneur.

I wouldn't join the group though simply because I've got better things to do than irritate people who are looking to be irritated. Mission accomplished, I don't have to do anything for people wanting to be offended to be offended.

So (counter)protesting in this way is pointless. Now if they are securing property and life to fill in a void left by the police, then that's a whole other noble cause.

BLM is another brilliant marketing strategy too, because it exploits the fact that people can't/won't draw a distinction between me saying I recognize that black lives matter as much as any life, and that I am opposed to the Communist, anti-family agenda of Black Lives Matter Inc.

When I start a movement, I'm going to title it "Don't Kill Puppies" (DKP). If you disagree with my agenda, I'll just say you're a horrible puppy killer. I'll take advantage of the good nature of people to promote my agenda by offering signs they can put in their windows proclaiming "Don't Kill Puppies". Charitable donations to my organization will further my own agenda, but I'll promise to kill no puppies in the process.

Originally Posted by redneck View Post


You need to start paying attention.

There’s big trouble on the horizon.


The biggest trouble that ever finds me is of my own doing.

If insanity wants a challenge, it can come look me up. I'm happy to dox myself. What we call doxing nowadays is what the phone book is/was.

I'm a lot happier to not follow the ever changing, rarely important political talking points of the day. They are all garbage; distractions from actual problems that can actually be addressed with reasoned action.

I listen to thinkers via podcasts, so I'm not clueless about ideologies that are en vogue, but I do make a point to know as little about news headlines as possible, because again, they don't matter in the least to me. Floyd ODing in police custody has no bearing on my life whatsoever, and says nothing of a larger issue because it's an anecdote.

World news on the other hand is more important. Where and who is promoting peace and liberty, and where and who is breeding chaos.
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Last edited by redpoint5; 10-01-2020 at 02:48 PM..