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Old 10-02-2020, 01:29 AM   #328 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by woodsrat View Post
The neat thing about Honda's horizontal singles in most of the world is that they're still relatively simple machines with carburetors. This is changing what with their PGM-FI but in many markets they're still fed via "controlled leaks".
Even though PGM-FI is becoming widespread, favored by economics of scale even in low-income markets, the Honda horizontal-single engines retain most of their simplicity and ruggedness.

The incredible fuel mileage my Monkey has delivered is making me a believer in this newfangled fuel injection thingie. I've been studying everything I can find about PGM-FI in an effort to understand how it works even if I can't fix it.
It may not allow the same degree of makeshift fixes as a carburettor, but it's no rocket-science either.

One cool thing about the new CT is that it'll run without a battery
That's an interesting feature.

A kicker is one thing I'd like to add to the Monkey but I hope I don't have to take the motor that far down for a long, long time.
It's not so hard at all, unless the lower block design has changed when PGM-FI got introduced.
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