Looks oddly familiar!!!
- 40-50 is the norm for this truck( Isuzu Pup/s-10 and D50/Mighty Max) with the 2.3l turbo diesel motor. My '83 2x4 ranger got 18mpg flogging the dog( drive like it is an autocross track day, hard not to do when you're a kid and you enjoy twisty roads), With an '87 2.9 V6 and matching A4OD trans ( transplant with certified CARB approval)
- my Father-in-law's Isuzu Diesel Pup was at 900k mi as of 2008 @35-45mpg (depending on weather and loading, Lake County Oregon is famious for leaving 2' of snow on the road before droping the blade on a plow), it was ~300k past due needing a full rebuild bumper to bumper 1ga of gear oil for the differentials per tank of fuel. (Amazing how fast his mileage would add up on vehicles especially when it's a hundred miles one way to the grocery store he got about 3-4 round trips per tank). These little trucks were amazing agile and effective.
1st gen cummins 91.5 dodge d250 ,HX35W/12/6 QSV
ehxsost manafulld wrap, Aero Tonto
best tank: distance 649gps mi 24.04 mpg 27.011usg
Best mpg : 31.32mpg 100mi 3.193 USG 5/2/20

'83 GMC S-15 Jimmy 2door 2wd O/D auto 3.73R&P
'79 Chevy K20 4X4 350ci 400hp msd custom th400 /np205. 7.5-new 14mpg modded befor modding was a thing
87' Hyundai Excel
83 ranger w/87 2.9 L FI2wd auto 18mpg on the floor
04 Mitsubishi Gallant 2.4L auto 26mpg
06 Subaru Forrester XT(WRX PACKAGE) MT AWD Turbocharged 18 plying dirty best of 26mpg@70mph
95Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 14-18mpg
04 Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 16-22mpg