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Old 10-02-2020, 03:10 PM   #63 (permalink)
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JulianEdgar hasn't been posturing; he's called you out on a lot of the BS you've been spewing which everyone here (including myself) have been caught up in for quite some time. Quite the contrary: he has consistently maintained, since his arrival on this forum, that we should be TESTING, observing, and experimenting. More than once he has posted that we SHOULD NOT take his word for it, but test, measure, and observe for ourselves. You have responded, consistently, with vitriol, name-calling, and, now, disgusting metaphors. You've set a new low bar.

* * * * *

Back on topic. My copy of Road Vehicle Aerodynamic Design, 3rd ed. (2009), just arrived a few minutes ago. Food for thought--literally the first sentence of Chapter 1:

As mentioned in the preface, an important feature of the subject of road vehicle aerodynamics is that it does not lend itself readily to mathematical analysis; there are no straightforward methods for predicting how air will flow around a given vehicle shape.
(emphasis added)
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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aerohead (10-02-2020), freebeard (10-02-2020)