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Old 10-03-2020, 07:25 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Yippeekyaa View Post
Both of you, julian and aerohead! Please just stop this back and forth. You both clearly have talents and skills that are polar opposites yet you both continue to embarrass yourselves and this forum like two kids fighting in a sandbox at elementary school recess over which is better, smooth or crunchy peanut butter. One or both of you should just add the other to your ignore list and move on. This battle between you two has gone to proportions that are no longer civil. Just agree to disagree, shake hands and walk away. Now which will be the bigger person and offer a hand and never comment on the others postings again?
Do you actually prefer to have misinformation being spread?! Wasting people's time as they follow incorrect advice? Causing people to develop completely wrong beliefs about the subject of car aero?

I've got this really weird notion that none of those is a great outcome for car modifiers.

So while I can be bothered to continue doing so, I will call out misinformation being posted - from Aerohead or anyone else.

Last edited by JulianEdgar; 10-03-2020 at 10:09 PM.. Reason: typo
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aerohead (10-07-2020), Fat Charlie (10-03-2020)