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Old 10-04-2020, 02:18 AM   #81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I can recall the pushback against Thee Holy Template back when there was only one strong voice on the forum (which you missed). I look forward to the day that the two of you can work together.
You always talk about historic push-back against The Template. That's nice, but (apart from me and, more recently, Vman455) there's been no recent pushback at all against the absolute garbage Aerohead constantly spouts.

I know some people who have posted here can see straight through his crap, but (and I respect their choice) they choose to walk away - why bother wasting time trying to counter the rubbish? But I have spent decades trying to communicate good car modification material to people, and to see this misinformation being disseminated in such a wonderful area as car aero frustrates me a lot.

And, when I read much of what he writes, I just shake my head in wonder at the outright gullibility of people. Like, even if you know nothing at all about car aero, shouldn't his conspiracy theories be immediately raising red flags? (But maybe not in America? )

Someone described Ecomodder to me as 'a cult', and I can see the parallels.

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