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Old 10-05-2020, 05:48 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
Had to go back 4 pages to see what the op issue was. Tps are no longer a constant resistance strip like an audio amp potentiometer, they are more like a wire wound resistor such that each decrement is an additional series resistor added. You cant get to 25 more (half spacing) ohms linearly. The steps are close together, sometimes within the width of the wiper so that it is conceivable that .003" wiper arm movement makes or breaks contact with an element. Won't even go into noise and dirt in the measurement system affecting values. The actual values are readable but I will not attempt to tell you where they are PID'ed in Torque. The software types know about this issue so they use a bunch of sensors to decide engine load requirements and adjust accordingly.

Suffice to say: engine load is reasonably close ratio to throttle position, and probably within the users measurement system error bucket. Unfortunately, you might have to live with using engine load instead of throttle position.
TPS is just being used to check that a constant throttle is being held - no more or less.
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