Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
Isn't the rule that it takes about 20 years for that to happen without having to change your own beliefs?
I think there's some truth to that.
Youth don't have enough experience to have concrete opinions about how the world should run, so they generate the ideas, and it's liberal minds that are generally creative. Most ideas are terrible though, and have been tried at some earlier point in time, but history is lost on youth.
Older people have more rigid thinking that experience has informed them with. They aren't generating the new ideas and instead are attempting to conserve the ones they are familiar with.
Liberals are more likely to have terrible ideas, and conservatives are more likely to cling to terrible ideas. Conversely, liberals are more likely to have great new ideas, and conservatives are more likely to conserve something that is already optimally structured.
It's the yin/yang interplay between conserving the best ideas and changing the things that need to be changed that makes the arrangement functional.