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Old 10-12-2020, 12:27 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JulianEdgar View Post
There is a guess in the book - you seemed to have taken that guess as if it is gospel.
No, I asked a question about the claim in the book.
And, if the wheels were enclosed by bodywork, how much do you think the frontal area would have grown?
I'll guess 10%.

Looking at cars like this as role models for making a modern low drag shape is, I am afraid, just silly.
I'm looking at aerodynamics and considering strategies.

Why did you put modern in there? Are there no not-modern low drag shapes?

I do not not know of even one old production car that has a good Cd in the context of 2020 - not when the car has been tested in a modern wind tunnel, anyway.
I'm not looking for an old production car with a good-for-2020 cD.
With very few exceptions, even the one-offs and research vehicles look pretty ordinary in a modern context - eg Kamm's only K series car that has been tested in a modern wind tunnel had a Cd of 0.37, the lovely Tatra T87 production car had a Cd of 0.36 - and so on.
I'm looking for the exceptions, whatever the age, to copy.
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