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Old 10-12-2020, 02:04 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sgtlethargic View Post
I don't recall seeing anything like that, but I hadn't been here for years. Links for a thread or three?
Aerohead loves quoting drag figures for old cars - there are probably hundreds of threads where he does it.

Someone in this thread claimed the 1922 Rumpler yielded a 0.28 cD when tested in a modern wind tunnel!
That's right - and a Cd of 0.28 is pretty bad in a current context.


You mention "production" cars quite a bit- I don't know why.

Do you consider the 1954 Fiat Turbina, with its claimed 0.14 cD, to be a modern and/or production car?
Well, we're talking about legal road cars, aren't we? I talk about a 'production car' to differentiate it from a concept car, a research car, a solar car, a one-off special, etc, etc.

The Fiat was a one-off research vehicle and didn't have a Cd of 0.14.

"That its drag would be low was suggested by tests of a one-fifth-size model in the Turin Polytechnic's tunnel that showed a drag coefficient of only Cd=0.14."

A model of the car had a Cd of 0.14 - see how carefully the writer covers themselves!
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